50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Nominating Committee ~




Being a part of the Board of Directors provides you with the opportunity to volunteer your time and experience to your community.  In return you get to work with a group of your neighbours on making decisions that have a direct impact on your "home".  You can make a valued contribution.

The Nominating Committee will comprise three persons to be appointed by the Board of Directors, one of which shall be the past president and a current member of the Board. The responsibility of the Nominating Committee is to review and select appropriate person(s) who have shown interest in becoming a director of the Corporation. The appointed member shall be familiar with the condominium and the needs of the Corporation.

The Committee or representative of the Committee will:

  1. Submit an information or application form to the Board of Directors for content approval and then distribute to each owner. [click here for form]
  2. After studying the information and evaluating the qualifications of each candidate, interview each candidate.
  3. Shall establish the criteria for the selection of its slate of candidates.
  4. Prepare a slate of those persons most appropriate for a possible Board position.
  5. During the Annual General Meeting nominate the slate. Other nominations may come from the floor during the nomination process as permitted by the Condominium Act and Corporation by-laws.
  6. After the nominations are closed, the Chairperson can ask each nominee to introduce himself or herself and to speak as to why he/she should be selected.
  7. When the nominations are closed, the committee is automatically discharged.

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